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IJCTE 2021 Vol.13(3): 68-78 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2021.V13.1292

Assessment and Allocation of Wheeling Service Prices among System Users through Power Tracing

Abhishek Saxena, Seema N. Pandey, and Laxmi Srivastava

Abstract—Wheeling service pricing has become a very crucial issue in the emerging competitive power market scenario, because pricing has become the central phenomenon in any commodity trading. This paper establishes the importance of power flow tracing for fair allocation of wheeling prices among wheeling system users, by comparing two tracing techniques. Power tracing is necessary tool for determining the contribution of sellers and buyers in a specific wheeling transaction under pool power market environment. For evaluating wheeling facility usage by sellers and buyers, in pool power market, two power tracing techniques i.e. Rudnick tracing and Bialek tracing have been implemented. The tariff required for wheeling services, should be sensitive to distance, direction and the magnitude of power wheeled and must be fair enough for users as well as for owners. To acquire these characteristics in the present day wheeling pricing, the usage-based wheeling pricing techniques are gaining popularity. In the present paper, original apparent flow-mile technique and six usages based apparent flow-mile techniques, have been discussed to examine the limitations and feasibility of above said tracing techniques. The present approach of assessment and allocation of wheeling prices through tracing has been examined and analyzed for IEEE 30-bus system based pool power market. The results so obtained, significantly establishes the limitations and feasibility for the two above said tracing techniques for given topological system configuration.

Index Terms—Power tracing, wheeling pricing, proportional sharing principle, generalized distribution factors, AF-mile, sellers and buyers.

Abhishek Saxena and Laxmi Srivastava are with the Madhav Institute of Technology & Science, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, India (e-mail:, Seema N. Pandey is with the B. R. Ambedkar Polytechnic College, Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, India (e-mail:


Cite:Abhishek Saxena, Seema N. Pandey, and Laxmi Srivastava, "Assessment and Allocation of Wheeling Service Prices among System Users through Power Tracing," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 68-78, 2021.

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