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IJCTE 2020 Vol.12(2): 40-46 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2020.V12.1261

Feature-Based Software Integrity Verification and Zero Watermarking Technology

Zhen Chen, De Li, and Hua Jin

Abstract—In view of the problem that Portable Executable(PE) files are transmitted in the network, resulting in information loss, duplication and malicious tampering, this paper proposes an integrity check scheme based on PE file structure feature extraction and binder technology. The basic idea is to extract PE file structure features, combined with the bundling technology to achieve PE file integrity verification. In view of the problem that the imitation of software is rapidly spreading, such as the core code segment of the software can be stolen, this paper proposes a software zero watermarking scheme based on PE file special instruction feature extraction. The basic idea is to extract the special features of PE file code segment and logical operation of copyright information to generate zero watermark. The algorithm does not affect the performance and efficiency of the PE file. When the structural integrity of the PE file is damaged, the software exits the operation and outputs the copyright information. By attacking and converting the PE file and testing it with different software, it is proved that the zero watermark algorithm is robustness and credibility.

Index Terms—PE file, feature extraction, bundling technology, integrity verification, software zero watermark.

Zhen Chen, De Li, and Hua Jin are with Department of Computer Science, Yanbian University, Yanji, China (e-mail:,,


Cite:Zhen Chen, De Li, and Hua Jin, "Feature-Based Software Integrity Verification and Zero Watermarking Technology," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 40-46, 2020.

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